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Benefits of Trim A Wick

A Calm, Steady Flame

This means that the candle’s burning process is in balance. The wick is efficiently pulling up the right amount of wax, which is then being “consumed” by the flame to produce water vapor and carbon dioxide.

No Flickering or Wisps of Smoke

Constant flickering and smoking occur when the teardrop shape of the flame is disturbed. This allows small amounts of unburned carbon particles (soot) to escape from the flame as a visible wisp of smoke. If too much (or too little) air reaches the candle flame, it will disturb the flame’s teardrop shape, causing it to soot. To avoid this, always burn your candles in a well-ventilated room, away from drafts, vents or strong air currents.

No Flare Ups or Leaping Flames

A too-long wick can cause a candle flame to grow too long and flare. That’s why it is so important to trim the wick to ¼ inch before every use. Always keep the wax pool free of wick trimmings, (Trim a Wick captures the severed wick trimming) matches and other debris that could catch fire from the flame. If you like to group your candles, make sure they are at least 3 inches apart when burning. Candles placed too closely together can create their own draft and cause the candles to flare.


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Most candles have a label which instructs you to trim the wick to a 1/4 inch every time you light your candle.

Keeping the wick trimmed to 1/4 inch (as instructed by the National Candle Association) at all times, helps control the amount of “fuel” or wax that is present. By keeping the amount of fuel limited, the flame will create ideal complete combustion where carbon particles are absorbed by the flame. This means less soot is formed while the candle is burning.

Keeping the wick properly trimmed will save you money, help your candle last longer and prevent your candle from smoking….. You know that nasty soot that turns your jar black….

Why does keeping the wick trimmed make the candle last longer?

The fragrance that comes off a scented candle into your room actually evaporates out of the liquid wax pool on top of your candle. The fragrance and wax burned up by the candle flame turns into odorless carbon dioxide and water vapor. So the candle flame’s only job is to create that liquid wax pool. A little flame does that job very well. A big flame burns up your candle faster than need be and burns up fragrance instead of letting you smell it.

Why does keeping my wick trimmed prevent smoking?

If the wick is too long, the combustion process in the candle flame is altered and it produces carbon black instead of carbon dioxide. The carbon black will stick to anything it comes into contact with, including your candle jar, your walls, your ceiling…… you get the idea.

                                                                              Trim A Wick , Aston PA 19014, 302-495-9425

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